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The Ideal Temperature For Grilling Steak On A Gas Grill

Looking to grill the perfect steak on your gas grill? The key lies in knowing exactly what temperature to grill steak on a gas grill. Well, you’re in luck! In

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Looking to grill the perfect steak on your gas grill? The key lies in knowing exactly what temperature to grill steak on a gas grill. Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll provide the solution to your grilling dilemma, helping you achieve that juicy and perfectly cooked steak every time. So, if you’ve been wondering what temperature to grill steak on a gas grill, keep reading to find out the secret to grilling success. Trust us, your taste buds will thank you for it!

The Ideal Temperature for Grilling Steak on a Gas Grill

What Temperature to Grill Steak on a Gas Grill

When it comes to grilling steak on a gas grill, achieving the perfect level of doneness and flavor is a top priority for any grill master. One of the key factors in achieving the desired results is the temperature at which you cook your steak. Knowing the right temperature to grill steak on a gas grill can make all the difference in creating a mouthwatering, juicy, and tender steak. In this guide, we will explore the ideal temperatures for grilling steak on a gas grill, as well as various factors that can influence the cooking process.

Understanding Steak Doneness Levels

Before we dive into the ideal grill temperatures, let’s take a moment to understand the various levels of steak doneness. The perfect doneness level can vary depending on personal preference, but here are some common categories:

1. Rare:

A rare steak is seared on the outside and cooked to an internal temperature of approximately 125°F (52°C). The center of the steak remains bright red and cool.

2. Medium Rare:

Medium rare is a popular choice for many steak lovers. It is cooked to an internal temperature of around 135°F (57°C), with a warm red center that is soft and juicy.

3. Medium:

At a medium doneness level, the steak is cooked to an internal temperature of about 145°F (63°C). The center is pink and slightly firm.

4. Medium Well:

For those who prefer steak with less pinkness, medium well is the way to go. The steak is cooked to an internal temperature of approximately 155°F (68°C), with a slightly pink center.

5. Well Done:

Well done steaks are cooked to an internal temperature of around 160°F (71°C) and have no pinkness left. They are fully cooked but can be slightly drier compared to other doneness levels.

Recommended Gas Grill Temperatures for Steak

Now that we have a basic understanding of steak doneness levels, let’s explore the recommended gas grill temperatures for achieving the perfect steak. It’s important to note that these temperatures serve as a general guideline, and individual preferences may require slight adjustments.

1. Preheating the Grill:

Before putting your steak on the grill, it’s crucial to preheat the gas grill properly. Preheating ensures that the grill grates are hot enough to create a beautiful sear on the steak. Set the grill to high heat and allow it to preheat for at least 10-15 minutes with the lid closed.

2. Searing the Steak:

To achieve those coveted grill marks and a delicious crust, start by searing the steak on high heat for a short period. This initial high-temperature sear locks in the juices and adds flavor.

3. Adjusting the Heat:

After searing, you can reduce the heat to medium or medium-high to continue cooking the steak to your desired doneness. By adjusting the heat, you allow the steak to cook evenly without burning the exterior.

4. Using a Meat Thermometer:

To ensure accuracy and precision in determining the steak’s internal temperature, it’s highly recommended to use a meat thermometer. Inserted into the thickest part of the steak, it provides an instant readout.

Now let’s explore the specific gas grill temperatures for each doneness level:


Cook the steak on high heat for 2-3 minutes per side, then reduce the heat to medium and continue cooking until the internal temperature reaches around 125°F (52°C).

Medium Rare:

Follow the same searing process as for rare steak, and then cook the steak on medium heat until it reaches an internal temperature of approximately 135°F (57°C).


After searing, lower the heat to medium and cook the steak until the internal temperature reaches about 145°F (63°C).

Medium Well:

For a medium-well steak, sear it on high heat, then reduce the heat to medium and continue cooking until the internal temperature reaches approximately 155°F (68°C).

Well Done:

To achieve a well-done steak, start with a sear on high heat and then lower the temperature to medium. Cook the steak until it reaches an internal temperature of around 160°F (71°C).

Remember to always let the steak rest for a few minutes after grilling to allow the juices to redistribute. This resting period ensures a more flavorful and tender result.

Factors Affecting Grill Temperatures

While the recommended gas grill temperatures are a great starting point, it’s important to consider other factors that can affect the cooking process. These factors can impact how long it takes for the steak to reach the desired internal temperature, and may require slight adjustments in cooking time.

1. Steak Thickness:

Thicker cuts of steak will naturally take longer to cook, so it’s important to account for the steak’s thickness when estimating cooking times. Thinner cuts will cook more quickly.

2. Gas Grill BTUs:

The BTU (British Thermal Unit) rating of a gas grill can affect its heating capabilities. Higher BTU grills tend to generate more heat, allowing for quicker cooking times.

3. Ambient Temperature:

Outdoor temperature can impact the grill’s performance. In colder weather, it may take longer for the grill to reach and maintain the desired heat level.

4. Grill Lid:

Keeping the grill lid closed during cooking helps retain heat and promotes even cooking. Opening the lid frequently can cause fluctuations in temperature and extend cooking time.

Grilling steak on a gas grill is an art that requires the right temperature to ensure a delicious and perfectly cooked steak. By following the recommended gas grill temperatures for each doneness level, as well as considering various factors that can affect cooking time, you can become a master of grilling steak to perfection. Whether you prefer a rare, medium rare, medium, medium well, or well-done steak, knowing the ideal temperatures will help you achieve the desired results every time. Happy grilling!

How To Grill The PERFECT Steak Every time! | Cooking Is Easy

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the recommended grilling temperature for steak on a gas grill?

The recommended grilling temperature for steak on a gas grill is between 400 and 450 degrees Fahrenheit (204-232 degrees Celsius). This temperature range provides the ideal balance between searing the outside of the steak to create a flavorful crust while allowing the interior to cook to the desired doneness.

How do I determine the doneness of my steak on a gas grill?

To determine the doneness of your steak on a gas grill, you can use a meat thermometer. Here are the recommended internal temperatures for different levels of doneness:
– Rare: 125-130 degrees Fahrenheit (52-54 degrees Celsius)
– Medium Rare: 135-140 degrees Fahrenheit (57-60 degrees Celsius)
– Medium: 145-150 degrees Fahrenheit (63-66 degrees Celsius)
– Medium Well: 150-155 degrees Fahrenheit (66-68 degrees Celsius)
– Well Done: 160 degrees Fahrenheit (71 degrees Celsius) or higher

Insert the meat thermometer into the thickest part of the steak without touching the bone for an accurate reading. Remember to let the steak rest for a few minutes before serving to allow the juices to redistribute.

Can I adjust the grilling temperature on my gas grill?

Yes, most gas grills allow you to adjust the temperature. You can control the heat by adjusting the gas flow to the burners or by manipulating the control knobs. Use the grill’s built-in temperature gauge or an external thermometer to monitor the temperature and make any necessary adjustments.

What should I do if my gas grill doesn’t have a temperature gauge?

If your gas grill doesn’t have a temperature gauge, you can purchase an external grill thermometer to monitor the temperature. These thermometers are designed to withstand the high heat of grilling and can give you an accurate reading of your grill’s temperature. Alternatively, you can follow the recommended cooking times for steak at the recommended temperature range and adjust based on visual cues, such as the steak’s color and texture.

Should I preheat my gas grill before grilling steak?

Yes, it is important to preheat your gas grill before grilling steak. Preheating ensures that the grill grates reach the desired temperature, allowing for proper searing and preventing the steak from sticking. Preheat the grill with the lid closed for around 10-15 minutes to reach the recommended grilling temperature.

Final Thoughts

Grilling a steak to perfection on a gas grill requires precision when it comes to temperature. To achieve that juicy and flavorful result, preheat your gas grill to a medium-high heat of around 400-450°F (204-232°C). This allows for a nice sear on the outside while keeping the center tender and cooked to your desired level of doneness. Remember, the thickness of the steak and personal preference will also play a role in determining the cooking time. So, when asking yourself what temperature to grill steak on a gas grill, aim for 400-450°F (204-232°C) to achieve delicious results.

Albert T. Sikes

Albert T. Sikes

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