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Grilling St. Louis Ribs On Gas Grill: Perfect Cook Time

Looking to grill some mouthwatering St. Louis ribs on your gas grill? Wondering how long it takes to achieve that perfect juicy and smoky flavor? Well, you’ve come to the

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Looking to grill some mouthwatering St. Louis ribs on your gas grill? Wondering how long it takes to achieve that perfect juicy and smoky flavor? Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll discuss just how long to grill St. Louis ribs on a gas grill, so you can impress your friends and family with your grilling skills. Whether you’re a seasoned grill master or a beginner, we’ll break it down for you step by step to ensure that your ribs turn out tender, flavorful, and absolutely delicious. So let’s get started and dive into the world of grilling St. Louis ribs on a gas grill!

Grilling St. Louis Ribs on Gas Grill: Perfect Cook Time

How Long to Grill St. Louis Ribs on a Gas Grill


Grilling St. Louis ribs on a gas grill can be a delicious and mouthwatering experience. However, achieving that perfect balance of tender meat and flavorful char requires careful attention to cooking time. In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of grilling St. Louis ribs on a gas grill, including the ideal cooking time, tips for preparing the ribs, and how to achieve that smoky flavor. So, fire up your grill and get ready to impress your friends and family with perfectly grilled St. Louis ribs!

Understanding St. Louis Ribs

Before we dive into the specifics of grilling, it’s important to understand what St. Louis ribs are. St. Louis ribs are a specific cut of pork ribs that come from the belly area of the pig. They are known for their tender meat and rich flavor. Unlike baby back ribs, St. Louis ribs are larger, meatier, and have a higher fat content, which adds to their flavor and juiciness.

Preparing the Ribs

To achieve the best results when grilling St. Louis ribs, proper preparation is key. Follow these steps to ensure your ribs are ready for the grill:

  1. Remove the Membrane: The first step is to remove the tough membrane from the back of the ribs. This can be done by gently loosening one corner with a knife or your fingers, then using a paper towel to grip the membrane and peel it off.
  2. Trim Excess Fat: While St. Louis ribs have a desirable amount of fat, you may still want to trim any excess fat that could hinder the cooking process or result in flare-ups on the grill. Use a sharp knife to carefully remove any thick sections of fat.
  3. Apply the Rub: A flavorful dry rub is essential for enhancing the taste of your St. Louis ribs. Choose a rub that complements the smoky flavors you’ll be achieving on the grill. Apply the rub generously on both sides of the ribs, making sure to coat them evenly.

Preparing the Gas Grill

To ensure even cooking and a smoky flavor, proper preparation of your gas grill is crucial. Follow these steps:

  1. Clean the Grill Grates: Preheat your gas grill on high heat for about 10-15 minutes to burn off any residue from previous grilling sessions. Then, using a grill brush, clean the grates thoroughly to remove any remaining debris.
  2. Set Up Two Heat Zones: For indirect grilling, set up your gas grill with two heat zones. Keep one side of the grill on medium-high heat and leave the other side off. This setup allows for a two-zone cooking method that ensures the ribs cook evenly and prevents excessive charring.
  3. Use Smoking Wood Chips: To infuse the ribs with a smoky flavor, soak some wood chips in water for about 30 minutes before grilling. Drain the wood chips and place them in a smoker box or wrap them in aluminum foil pierced with holes. Place the smoking wood chips directly over the lit burner to create that authentic smoky flavor.

Grilling the Ribs

Now that you’ve prepared the ribs and the gas grill, it’s time to start grilling! Follow these steps for perfectly cooked St. Louis ribs:

  1. Preheat the Grill: Close the lid and preheat your gas grill to around 225°F (107°C) to 250°F (121°C). The low and slow cooking method is ideal for St. Louis ribs, as it helps break down the connective tissues and renders the fat.
  2. Place the Ribs on the Grill: Once the grill has reached the desired temperature, place the ribs bone-side down on the unheated side of the grill. This indirect cooking method allows the ribs to cook slowly without direct heat.
  3. Cooking Time and Temperature: The general rule of thumb for cooking St. Louis ribs on a gas grill is 2-2-1 or 3-2-1. This means you grill the ribs for 2 or 3 hours unwrapped, then wrap them in foil and cook for an additional 2 hours, followed by a final hour unwrapped. However, every grill and rib rack size can vary, so it’s important to monitor the temperature and doneness of the ribs using a meat thermometer.
  4. Monitoring and Basting: Throughout the grilling process, it’s essential to monitor the temperature of the grill and the internal temperature of the ribs. Aim for an internal temperature of around 195°F (90°C) to 203°F (95°C) for tender, fall-off-the-bone ribs. If you notice the ribs drying out, you can spritz them with a mixture of apple juice and cider vinegar periodically to keep them moist.
  5. Adding BBQ Sauce: Towards the end of the grilling time, you can choose to brush the ribs with your favorite BBQ sauce. This step adds a sticky glaze and enhances the flavors. Be careful not to add the sauce too early, as it can burn due to the high sugar content.
  6. Resting and Serving: Once the ribs reach the desired doneness and are tender, remove them from the grill and let them rest for about 10 minutes. This resting period allows the juices to redistribute, resulting in juicier ribs. Cut the ribs into individual servings and serve them hot with additional BBQ sauce on the side.

Additional Tips for Grilling St. Louis Ribs

To ensure your St. Louis ribs turn out perfectly every time, consider these additional tips:

  • Experiment with Different Rubs: Don’t be afraid to try different dry rubs and spice combinations to add variety to your St. Louis ribs. Each rub can bring out unique flavors, enhancing your grilling experience.
  • Consider Marinating: If you prefer a different flavor profile, you can marinate the ribs before applying the dry rub. Choose a marinade that complements the meat and let the ribs soak in the flavors overnight.
  • Use a Rib Rack: If you’re grilling a large quantity of ribs, using a rib rack can help maximize space on the grill and ensure even cooking.
  • Get Creative with Sauces: While BBQ sauce is a classic choice, don’t hesitate to try different sauces or glazes. From tangy mustard-based sauces to spicy Asian-inspired glazes, the possibilities are endless.
  • Don’t Rush the Process: Remember that low and slow is the key to tender St. Louis ribs. Avoid rushing the cooking process by turning up the heat, as this can result in tough meat.

Grilling St. Louis ribs on a gas grill is an art that requires patience, attention to detail, and a little bit of experimentation. By following the appropriate cooking times, preparing the ribs properly, and mastering the art of indirect grilling, you can achieve tender, flavorful ribs that will impress your guests and have them coming back for more. So, fire up your gas grill, gather your favorite rubs, and get ready to embark on a journey of mouthwatering ribs that will make you the grilling master of your neighborhood. Happy grilling!

Ribs on the grill- The Weber Way

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should I grill St. Louis ribs on a gas grill?

The cooking time for St. Louis ribs on a gas grill can vary depending on the temperature and thickness of the ribs. On average, it takes about 2 to 3 hours to grill St. Louis ribs on a gas grill.

What temperature should I set my gas grill to when grilling St. Louis ribs?

Preheat your gas grill to a temperature of 225°F to 250°F (107°C to 121°C) for low and slow cooking. This temperature range allows the ribs to cook slowly and become tender while developing a smoky flavor.

Do I need to use indirect heat when grilling St. Louis ribs on a gas grill?

Yes, it is recommended to use indirect heat when grilling St. Louis ribs on a gas grill. This means turning off the burners directly underneath the ribs and keeping the burners on the sides or opposite end of the grill lit. Indirect heat helps to prevent the ribs from burning and allows for even cooking.

How do I know when St. Louis ribs are done on the gas grill?

The best way to determine if St. Louis ribs are done is by using the “bend test” or a meat thermometer. For the bend test, pick up the rack of ribs with tongs and bounce them gently. If they start to crack slightly and bend easily, they are done. Alternatively, you can use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature. The ribs should reach an internal temperature of 190°F to 205°F (88°C to 96°C) when done.

Should I wrap St. Louis ribs in foil while grilling on a gas grill?

Wrapping St. Louis ribs in foil, also known as the “Texas crutch,” is an optional step that can help tenderize the meat. After about 2 hours of cooking, you can wrap the ribs tightly in foil with a little liquid, such as apple juice or beer, and continue grilling. This process can help speed up the cooking time and create more tender ribs.

Can I use a gas grill to achieve a smoky flavor when grilling St. Louis ribs?

While gas grills don’t naturally produce smoke like charcoal or wood-fired grills, you can add smoky flavor to St. Louis ribs on a gas grill by using wood chips or chunks. Soak the wood chips in water for 30 minutes, then place them in a smoker box or wrap them in aluminum foil, poking holes to allow smoke to escape. Position the smoker box or foil packet near the burners to generate smoke while grilling the ribs.

Final Thoughts

Grilling St. Louis ribs on a gas grill is a flavorful and delicious way to enjoy this cut of meat. To achieve perfectly cooked ribs, the ideal grilling time is approximately 2 to 3 hours. Start by preheating the gas grill to a temperature of around 225°F to 250°F. Place the seasoned ribs directly on the grill grates and cook them low and slow, turning occasionally and basting with your favorite BBQ sauce. Monitor the temperature and adjust accordingly to ensure the ribs are cooked to an internal temperature of 190°F. Remember, patience is key when grilling St. Louis ribs on a gas grill.

Albert T. Sikes

Albert T. Sikes

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